Lyman Beniah Gallup and Mary Ann (Burt) Gallup in the Civil War
The 105th Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry

Lyman Beniah Gallup in uniform during the Civil War
105th Infantry Regiment
Civil War
Le Roy Regiment; Rochester Regiment; Irish Regiment
The following is taken from New York in the War of the Rebellion, 3rd ed. Frederick Phisterer. Albany: J. B. Lyon Company, 1912.
Mustered in: November 1861 to March 1862.
Consolidated with 94th regiment of infantry: March 10, 1863.
This regiment, Col. James M. Fuller, was organized March 15, 1862, by the consolidation of the regiment being recruited at Rochester, under Col. Howard Carroll, with the one being recruited at LeRoy under Colonel Fuller, the nine companies of the latter forming seven, and the six of the former, three, G, H and I, of the new organization. The men were mustered in the service of the United States for three years between November, 1861, and March, 1862.
The companies were recruited principally: A at Wyoming; B at Lockport; C at Holley; D at LeRoy; E at Batavia; F at Brockport; G, H and I—-Irish Brigade; Western Irish Regiment — at Rochester; and K at Yorkshire, Farmersville and LeRoy.
The regiment left the State April 4, 1862; served at Washington, D. C, from April, 1862; in 2d Brigade, 2d Division, Department of Rappahannock, from May, 1862; in 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 3d Corps, Army of Virginia, from June 26, 1862; in same brigade and division, 1st Corps, Army of the Potomac, from September 12, 1862; and, under Col. John W. Shedd, it was consolidated into five companies and transferred to the 94th Infantry, March 10, 1863, as Companies F, G, H, I and K of the latter.
During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 1 officer, 33 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officer, 15 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 45 enlisted men; total, 2 officers, 93 enlisted men; aggregate, 95; of whom 1 enlisted man died in the hands of the enemy
Lyman Beniah Gallup, the eleventh of Beniah and Sally (Crozier) Gallup's twelve children, was born in Livingston, Columbia County, NY., April 18, 1834. He married Mary Ann Burt in Stamford, Bennington County, VT., on February 17, 1852. She was born June 10, 1836, in Algiers, Windham County, VT.
Lyman, declaring his occupation to be "innkeeper," enlisted as a private in Company A, 105th New York Regiment Volunteer Infantry at Leroy, Genesee County, NY., on December 26, 1861, and was mustered in to service on January 4, 1862. He transferred to Co. H, 94th Regiment New York Volunteers. On December 17, 1863, he transferred to the 78th Battalion Veteran Reserve Corps. He re-enlisted in the VRC on April 25, 1864, and was discharged from duty due to disability on July 7, 1865, citing "entire loss of teeth of upper jaw and weakness of right knee, the latter resulting from an injury received at Warrenton [Fauquier County], VA., in the discharge of duty." When applying for a disability pension in 1881, Lyman stated that he was taken sick with "malarial fever and diarrhea at Chancellorsville, Va."
Mary Ann (Burt) Gallup served as a contracted nurse in the Medical Department, U.S. Volunteers, at Emory U.S. General Hospital, Washington, D.C., from May 9, 1864, to July 21, 1865. She was eligible for a nurse's pension and seems to have applied for one; however, after the death of her husband she chose instead to receive a widow's pension.
Lyman Beniah Gallup died at age seventy-two at Hunt, Livingston County, NY., on October 28, 1906. Mary Ann subsequently lived at Portageville, Wyoming County, NY., where she died on March 4, 1926, at the age of eighty-nine. There were no surviving children.
Lyman md. Samford, VT., 2-17-1852, Mary Ann, d. of Hollis and Electina (Aldrich) Burt; she b. Algiers, Windham County, VT., 3-4-1826.
1) J. Monroe Gallup, b. 1852; d. 1857.
2) Evangeline F. "Eva" Gallup, b. Oakland, Livingston County, NY., 5-1-1856; d. Portageville, Wyoming County, NY., 3-4-1937; md. 1875 Manuel, s. of Friedrich and Ellen (Lashell) Lehman; he b. Tuscarora, Steuben County, NY., 6-1854; d. Portageville, Wyoming County, NY., 4-26-1929; no children.
3) George O. Gallup, b. Oakland, Livingston County, NY., 1860; d. CT. 12-1890; md. Lillian, d. of John L. and Rixe (Green) Rose; children: Mabelle I. Gallup (Mrs. Embert D.) Howard; and George Manuel Gallup.
Lyman Gallup's Discharge Certificate 1865
Lyman Gallup's Request for Restoration of Pension 1888
Affidavit from Lyman Gallup in support of his pension application 1892
Affidavit from Mary Ann (Burt) Gallup in support of her nurse's pension application 1892
Mary Ann (Burt) Gallup's Declaration for a widow's pension 1907